Justice League of America 80-Page Giant 2011
DC Comics
In Sammlung
US Comic   $ 10.80
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Texter Marc Benardin, Joe Prado, Pepe Caldelas, Roberto Cruz, Frank Mastromauro, Steve Yockley, Adam Glass, David Macho
Vorzeichner (Penciler) Rodney Buchemi, Ig Guara, Marco Castiello, Emanuela Lupacchino
Zeichner Mikel Janin, Joe Prado, Dennis Calero, Scott McDaniel, Vicente Cifuentes, Miguel Munera
Tuschzeichner (Inker) José Marzan Jr., Rodney Ramos, Vincenzo Acunzo, Guillermo Ortega
Kolorierung (Colorist) Hi-Fi Colour Design, Rod Reis, Kyle Ritter, Nathan Eyring, Javier Mena, Barbara Ciardo, Stefani Rennee, Marcelo Maiolo
Schrift (Letterer) Rob Leigh, Travis Lanham, Carlos M. Mangual, John J. Hill, Dave Sharpe, Dezi Sienty, Jared K. Fletcher
Titelbild-Zeichner Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau
Herausgeber/Lektor Eddie Berganza, Kate Stewart, Rex Ogle

Weitere Einzelheiten
Reihe Justice League of America
Genre Super-Heroes DC
Barcode 76194129679100111
Veröffentlichungsdatum April 2011

Persönliche Details
Besitzstand In Sammlung

Eintrag vollständig Nein
Written by ADAM GLASS, MARC BERNARDIN, FRANK MASTROMAURO, JOE PRADO, ROBERTO CRUZ and others Art by IG GUARA, SCOTT MCDANIEL, TONY SHASTEEN, EMANUAELA LUPACCHINO and others Cover by STANTLEY 'ARTGERM' LAU As the team faces Eclipso in the the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, Adam Glass, producer/writer for TV's Supernatural, joins other talents to take us on a journey revealing key battles between the World's Greatest Heroes and mystical, hellish beings, including the Demon, Zatanna - and an object that could blackened the heroes' very souls.
