Undiscovered Country #1
Image Comics
In Sammlung
US Paperback   $ 14.90
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Journey into an unknown region that was once the United States of America-a land that's become shrouded in mystery and literally walled off from the rest of the world for well over a century. Two small expeditions enter the former US simultaneously-one from the east, one from the west-and travel inward, each seeking their own form of truth as they struggle to survive in this strange and deadly lost continent!
Texter Scott Snyder, Charles Soule
Zeichner Guiseppe Camuncoli, Daniele Orlandini, Leonardo Marcello Grassi
Kolorierung (Colorist) Matthew Wilson
Schrift (Letterer) Crank!

Weitere Einzelheiten
Reihe Undiscovered Country
Genre Science Fiction
Farbe Farbig
Barcode 9781534315990
Land USA
Sprache English
Veröffentlichungsdatum Juli 2020

Persönliche Details
Besitzstand In Sammlung

Eintrag vollständig Nein
Abgeschlossen Nein
Cover der Originalausgabe: Undiscovered Country #01A Destiny Part One
Digital Version Ja

Titel Mitarbeiter
Undiscovered Country #01 - 06