Farmhand Paperback #2
Image Comics
In Sammlung
- Thorne In The Flesh
US Paperback   $ 19.90
Gelesen: Ja (August 2020) 144 Pages

Jedidiah Jenkins is a simple farmer. But his cash crop isn't corn or soy. Instead, he grows fast-healing, highly customizable human organs-a miracle cure for all manner of ailments and injuries. Or they were, until his former patients began to transform into something not quite human. Now, these pour souls are coming to the Jenkins Farm searching for answers. But a dark figure lurks in their collective shadow-one with sinister plans for Jedidiah, his family, and the world.
Texter Rob Guillory
Zeichner Rob Guillory
Kolorierung (Colorist) Taylor Wells
Schrift (Letterer) Kody Chamberlain
Titelbild-Kolorierung (Colorist) Taylor Wells
Titelbild-Zeichner Rob Guillory

Weitere Einzelheiten
Reihe Farmhand
Genre Horror
Farbe Farbig
Barcode 9781534313323
Land USA
Sprache English
Veröffentlichungsdatum September 2019

Persönliche Details
Besitzstand In Sammlung

Eintrag vollständig Ja
Abgeschlossen Nein

Titel Mitarbeiter
Farmhand #06 ReCreation Rob Guillory, Taylor Wells, Kody Chamberlain
Farmhand #07 The Wound Rob Guillory, Taylor Wells, Kody Chamberlain
Farmhand #08 A Time to Reap Rob Guillory, Taylor Wells, Kody Chamberlain
Farmhand #09 Physician, Heal Thyself Rob Guillory, Taylor Wells, Kody Chamberlain
Farmhand #10 In Vocation Rob Guillory, Taylor Wells, Kody Chamberlain